Biology Notes - Unit 2 - Classification & Phylogeny
Hey everybody, welcome to my biology notes page for Unit 2 – Classification and Phylogeny. My notes cover every standard, element, and topic based on the Georgia Biology Standards of Excellence (GSE). On this page, you will find the video notes for Georgia Biology Standard 4 (SB4) elements a, b, and c that can be used for your students, parents, and even teachers that need a refresher. I tried to make it simple enough for all students to understand and challenging enough to encourage debates and discussions. The Google Slides presentation and guided notes that correspond for each lesson can be accessed from underneath each video.
This page is broken up into nine lesson and some lessons have more than one part. I hope to have each video uploaded by the end of June 2023. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly using the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Unit 2: Classification & Phylogeny
Unit 2 - Lesson 1: Characteristics of Life
This section includes the notes for the Characteristics of Life. Please note that it is important for students to remember the basics around the characteristics of life as many science teachers and scientist disagree on several of the characteristics of life. Most agree however that all living things must be made up of cells.
Unit 2- Lesson 2: Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes Notes
This section includes the notes for the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Learning the prefix and suffix of each word truly helps students understand the difference between the two types of cells.
Unit 2 - Lesson 3: The Endosymbiotic Theory
This section includes the notes for the Endosymbiotic theory. The Endosymbiotic Theory provides an explanation for the Origin of Eukaryotic Cells.
Unit 2 - Lesson 4: Domain and Kingdoms
This section includes the notes that explain the key differences between the three Domains and six kingdoms of life.
Unit 2 - Lesson 5 Part A: Classifying an Organism Notes